According to the latest statistics on car accidents, there will be about 90 fatal car accidents today. Many of these tragic incidents will be caused by obvious things, like distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, and more.
The Three Most Common Causes of Fatal Car Accidents
From the time you got up this morning to the time you get up tomorrow, 90 people will have died in fatal auto accidents. That’s a fatality every 13 minutes. To make matters more concerning, the frequency of accidents, period, is likely much worse since about 10 million accidents go unreported each year.
Three Things Drivers Need to Keep in Mind About Deer
Did you know that according to the most recent set of deer auto accidents statistics from the the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are about 1.5 million bad car accidents involving deer every year? This means that there will be more than 4,100 deer auto accidents today alone. Even scarier is that an average… Read More
Three Defensive Driving Techniques That Could Save Your Life
Let’s face it: the road is the single most dangerous place in the United States. About 3 million people get injured in bad car accidents ever year, while fatal auto accidents claim another 1.3 million lives. This means that fatal car accidents claim a life once every 13 minutes.
Three of the Most Peculiar Ways People Have Gotten Into Accidents
Did you know that every 13 minutes, someone dies as the result of an auto accident in the United States? Not only that, but every 14 seconds someone gets hurt in an auto accident. This means that bad auto accidents cause about 32,850 fatalities, and 3 million injuries.
The Three Most Shockingly Common Causes of Car Accidents
You’re going to get into a car accident. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, or even next year, but according to car accidents statistics compiled by the insurance industry, average drivers file car accidents claims once every 17.9 years. This means that if you started driving at age 16, you’re almost guaranteed to be… Read More
Three of the Worst Car Accidents in U.S. History
Although car accidents statistics tragically report that there are fatal auto accidents once every 15 minutes for a total of 94 deaths per day and 33,963 every year, it’s logical to suspect that there are some deadly car accidents that could skew the data, but what kind of deadly car accidents could be so catastrophic… Read More
The Five Most Common Causes of Car Accidents
About 90 people are going to die in fatal car accidents today. What’s more, about two million suffer permanent injuries from bad car accidents every year. It’s scary to acknowledge, but the car accidents statistics don’t lie. So how is it that there’s such an overwhelming number of bad car accidents? Here are the the… Read More
The Three Craziest Car Crashes Ever
Did you know that in 2012 there were 25,580 deadly car accidents, according to car accidents statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration? These are always tragic, and some particular cases are so mind boggling they can seem unreal. Here are a few crazy car accidents that you just can’t wrap your head around.
What Every Teen Should Know Before Climbing Into the Driver’s Seat
Every year in America, nearly three million people are injured in car accidents. Statistically, males get into 50% more accidents than females do, but every driver will, on average, file an accident claim every 18 years — regardless of his or her gender. In fact, the chances are quite good that you or someone you… Read More