Anchorage Alaska Personal Injury Lawyer
Alaska can be a dangerous place to live that is why Alaska personal injury law provides that injured people have the right to compensation from those responsible for their injuries.
Robert Stone Law Office LLC provides experienced representation in Anchorage Alaska regarding a wide range of personal injury cases, including:
Auto Accidents: When a passenger vehicle hits another we can help you recover for the injuries caused by the other driver.
Truck Accidents: Damages when a truck collides with a passenger vehicle can be many times more expensive than damages in auto accidents. These cases often require complex evidence to be gathered and are often hotly contested.
Off-Road Vehicle Accidents: According to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, approximately 291 individuals are treated each year in Alaska hospitals for injuries from off-road vehicles such as ATVs and snow machines.
Pedestrian Accidents: Pedestrians injured from passenger and other vehicles often receive injuries that can cause complex and life-long disability.
Products Liability: The manufacturers of commercial products are strictly liable for products with design defects, manufacturing defects, and defective warnings when they cause injury.
Wrongful death: The surviving family of a deceased person can bring a lawsuit on behalf of the individual.
Other personal injury litigation: Robert Stone Law Office LLC has many years of experience bringing personal injury claims to trial.
Statute of Limitations
Alaska personal injury law is based mostly on tort law. According to Alaska Stat. § 09.10.070 an individual usually may not bring a lawsuit against another person for personal injuries or other torts after two years. The timeline begins when the injured person discovered, or should have discovered that they may have a claim against a wrongdoer. In some cases the statute of limitations is paused because the individual was a minor or had some disability. This is known as tolling. Nevertheless, taking timely action is the most effective way to ensure that your case can proceed.
Contact an Experienced Anchorage Personal Injury Attorney
Robert Stone Law Office LLC is experienced in a wide range of personal injury lawsuits. We understand that the claims process can be overwhelming. When you choose our law firm we handle all aspects of representation so that you can focus on moving forward with your life. To learn more, schedule a free consultation today.